When you shop for a new home, you look at more than just the house itself; you also look at the surrounding community. Schools, parks, local amenities, and community cohesiveness all play a factor in your decision, and can make all the difference when comparing two homes. You don’t just want a roof over your family’s heads, you also want a safe and welcoming place to live, work, and raise your kids. Alair is more than just a homebuilder: We’re also an integral part of the communities where we build, which means we want the same things you do. That’s why you’ll often find us participating in community-building events in the neighborhoods where we build, and part of why we’ve been nominated in the Nanaimo Business Awards, recognizing sustainable large businesses that have had a positive impact on the community.

Hub City Soap Box Derby 2024

Racing to Raise Funds: Kids, carts, and family fun are the main ingredients to the Hub City Soap Box Derby. August 18, 2024, will see the 3rd annual Derby take to Franklyn Street, downtown Nanaimo and Alair supporting this event every step of the way along with our cosponsors VMAC and Budget Glass. This year's goals: even more family fun and fundraising. We hope to beat last year's total of 21K that went to the Nanaimo Child Development Centre.

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Alair Volunteers with The Great Nanaimo Toy Drive

Alair Volunteers with The Great Nanaimo Toy Drive

The Alair Team was humbled and honoured to be able to volunteer again with The Great Nanaimo Toy Drive, the biggest toy drive in City of Nanaimo. Our team participated in numerous programs during the month of December to provide new, unwrapped toys and gifts for the children of Nanaimo to open at Christmas. Visit the link below to learn how you can get involved with The Great Nanaimo Toy Drive. #ALAIRCARES

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Second Annual Great Pumpkin Toss raises $3000 for Nanaimo Child Development Center

The team at Alair Homes had a blast on November 6th, along with some local businesses, to raise funds for the Nanaimo Child Development Center.
Alair Homes was delighted to bring back the Second Annual Great Pumpkin Toss event to engage the community and give back. “In addition to home-building, of course, Alair is incredibly dedicated to community-building: we care about the communities we serve and strive to have a positive impact on our neighbourhoods.” Alair Homes Chief Operating Officer - Stu Hopewell was enthusiastic about the return of this family-friendly event

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A Jawsome Time at Silly Boats

Alair joins over 40 teams at the Nanaimo Silly Boat Regatta to build our Silly Shark creation to raise money for the Nanaimo Child Development Centre. We are so proud of our team and everyone in the community who came together in support of child development.

To donate to the Nanaimo Child Development Centre click the button below.

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Click the button below to tell us more about your custom home building project and then a member of our team will follow up to set up a Project Consultation meeting.

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