Each member of your home emanates a different energy, and often these energies may be in conflict disrupting the harmony. The ancient art of Feng Shui can foster feelings of harmony and content in your home. Here are five basic Feng Shui tips that you can use for the same.

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  1. If you are building/renovating your home, choose a curved entryway. Curved front doors allow good chi to flow in while keeping the bad energy at bay. Also, keep the entryway
    un-cluttered so it allows the positive energy to easily flow into the house.
  2. Keep the bedrooms clean and un-cluttered so it supports the flow of nourishing harmonious energy. Display items should be kept at a bare minimum, so positive energy has more space to flow around. You can place happy photos of the family in the family room and bedrooms to strengthen this energy.
  3. Playing instrumental music or even hanging up a wind chime can help create a soothing and positive atmosphere at home. The music helps eliminate if not heal the negative energy.
  4. Add a good luck charm or feng shui statue to your living or dining room. You do not have to work with just traditional feng shui statues to do up your home; you can pick something that rings true with your cultural roots. For instance, if you follow Chinese culture, you could pick a statue of a tortoise, phoenix or dragon.
  5. Place healthy green plants up for display indoors instead of artificial flowers as show pieces. Make sure that the plants are well cared for so they do not wither away, and that they get adequate sunlight. Do not place plants in the bedroom.

Practice the feng shui steps mentioned above with the right intentions so they bear the right results.