Whether due to circumstance or choice, we don’t all live in sprawling bungalows or 3 story homes. Just like people, our homes come in all different shapes and sizes. Some of us live in older neighborhoods where size and shape are not ideal, but we do whatever it takes to stay in our preferred area of choice. If you happen to have a smaller space, choose to embrace it.

Choosing Decor and Furniture

Choose to see the advantages of living in a smaller space. Take time to make wise and calculated choices in your furniture, décor and storage, which will lead to a more cohesive and pleasing area. Furniture appropriately sized for your room, well thought out details, and good paint colours can make all the difference. Consider rotating decorative pieces and framed photos to create a fresh look.

Over decorating and clutter can actually have a stressful effect, so keep things simple and pleasing to create a peaceful environment.


Storage is key in a smaller home. You might be amazed how creative you can be with storage when you have limited space. Having less space encourages more calculated decisions in accepting “donations” from relatives or purchasing small appliances that only get used once a year. You are forced to ask the question, “Do I really need it?” The other great thing about living without extra bedrooms, extra closets, and an empty basement, is they can’t be filled with unneeded items. It’s amazing how much less “stuff” is accumulated if well thought out choices are made and there is no dumping ground available.


We know purging is therapeutic, and having a small space encourages more frequent purging. Purging frees you from chaos and gives the opportunity to help the less fortunate. Why keep a closet full of clothing you don’t wear, when you can support a local shelter, victims of a natural disaster or a third world community?

Living a harmonious and simpler lifestyle in a smaller space can lend itself to more active and social activities. New Yorkers are a great example of turning living small into a science. Keep the focus on the outdoors, physical activity and social opportunities.

Besides, if you live beneath your means you can have a great standard of living, so make living small work to you.