What a great opportunity to build the custom home of your dreams! The amount of personal choice and freedom associated with new home construction, although widely available, can be limiting. The most common way to build a new home in Red Deer in a new neighborhood is to either go out and select the builder you like and see what land they have available, or find a lot you like and build with the company that owns it. Not too much freedom there.

The city of Red Deer offers quite a good solution for having selection over both your lot and builder of choice in their city lot draws. Garden Heights and Timberland’s North and South are beautiful city lot subdivisions in the northeast corner of Red Deer.

Getting A lot & The Process Following


So how can you get one? Resembling a bit of a lottery, any person or builder may make an application to purchase when the next city lots are available. At the time of the draw 40% of the available lots are made available to the general public. The remaining 60% are sold to the contractors.

So what happens if your name is drawn? This is where having a builder in mind or some one to offer good advice on the building process is essential. There are a few requirements that must be met within the first 60 days in order to not fault on the purchase of your lot. After paying $5000 with your original application, the balance of the lot will be due at this 60‐day mark. You will also be required to have items such as house plans, plot plans, and other requirements like new home warranty and finance all in place or process. This can be a very stressful time.
We have put together a Custom Home Planning Guide that will help you to start thinking about all of the important items for your New Home. The city has all of their information available here.

If you need further clarification, or would like a copy of our planning guide, then please feel free to reach out to us at 403‐392‐2314 or email [email protected]. The next available draw will be coming up this fall. Good Luck!