We want to be the best home builders and renovators in Calgary

It’s no secret that we want to be the best at what we do and we believe it’s important that you know that about us. From the first time we talk and get to know you and your project to the day it’s all completed, we are striving to give you the kind of service you will tell your friends and family about, and the quality of work that will last for generations. We really believe the only way for a custom home build or renovation to be truly successful is to have a happy, satisfied customer.

Each time we complete a project and earn that level of satisfaction, we can’t help but celebrate achieving that goal. And one of the more recent instances was by our team of home builders in Calgary, lead by local resident and owner/operator Carlin Howdin.

Rather than tooting our own horn any more than we already have, we wand you to watch the review from our client in Calgary and see for yourself the level of service and satisfaction we can offer you.


Put us to the test and contact us for a free quote! Whether you need home builders in Vancouver, renovators in Calgary, general contractors in Edmonton or any other construction in Canada, Alair can do the job!