Growing up in Florida, Simon was lucky to have a successful father in the construction industry. Running a general contracting business, Simon was quick to visit sites and manage his father's time. After a big move north of the border, his family settled in Belleville, ON. From here, Simon drove towards an eventual career in residential construction.
After graduating and achieving his iron ring in Civil Engineering from Lakehead University, Simon worked in various positions utilizing his schooling. Using AutoCAD and too much math, he worked in the environmental sector, on provincial and regional highways and worked as a surveyor. Moving back to the Belleville area he worked with a large civil service business, monitoring, repairing and designing local sanitation networks. Working on weekends with contractors and masons, he quickly fell in love with residential construction and pulled from his past with his father. Once he partnered with Alair, he quickly found his stride. Simon enjoys learning about construction technology, staying up-to-date on new building methods, while also maintaining strong relationships within the local construction industry. Eager to learn about his clients and their lifestyle, Simon pairs relationships and construction management beautifully.
Outside the world of construction, Simon can be found at home with his wife and two kids, or being a part of many other local groups. He enjoys supporting his wife in her business, as well as spending time with his extended family and helping local community organizations. Unfortunately, he doesn’t understand the value of hockey, so he cheers on his favourite football team, the Cowboys.