More people are opting to grow their own food here in the North Island. There are a number of benefits you can reap from growing your own food. You will be able to increase your access to nutritious food, reduce your carbon footprint, and beautify your surroundings. However, there are some important things you need to know before you start growing your own food. Below are six things you should know about starting your own garden:

It Is Possible For Anyone To Grow Their Own Food

You do not need to have a big, sunny backyard to grow your own food. You can grow your own food as long as you have a windowsill or balcony. Salad greens and blueberries can grow in a shady area.

Start Small

It takes time to learn how to garden. If you are a new gardener, then you will need to start off small. You can start with one raised bed or a few potted herbs. You may make mistakes in the beginning, but there is no need for you to worry about it. If you make a mistake, then you can always start over again.

veggie garden in north island

Good Soil Is Important

In order to grow vegetables, you will need to have rich soil with a lot of nutrients. Before you plant anything, you will need to get some good soil. The soil should be organic. Add compost to the soil every spring in order to preserve it year after year.

Gardening Does Not Happen Overnight

There is a lot more to gardening than just planting seeds. Pruning, thinning, harvesting, and weeding are all required to keep your garden thriving. You will also have to water your garden twice a day if you live in a hot climate. If you have a large backyard, then you can expect to spend over 10 hours a week in your garden. Even if you have a garden on your balcony, you will still have to spend a few hours per week caring for it.

You Still Have To Wash Your Vegetables

Even if the vegetables that come from your garden are pesticide-free, you will still need to wash them before you eat them. This will help eliminate bacteria.

You May Be Able To Grow A Lot Of Food

If you have an 8 by 4 raised bed in your backyard, then you can potentially feed a family of four carrots, greens, tomatoes, and greens without going to the store. You can also put the vegetables in the freezer and keep them all winter long. Even if you have a small space, you may still be able to get the vegetables you need for your salads without needing to go to the store.