The design and style of your interior setting will determine how much appeal it has and how proud you feel to show off the space. For those who attempt to redesign their home, many common mistakes are often made. If you want to enhance the quality of the setting, there are a few mistakes you may have made that can be corrected.

1. Random Focal Points

Too many focal points can cause your eyes to wander around in a room. This can cause it to feel imbalanced with your interior design. Fix the mistake by choosing one or two focal points, which can be a large picture frame on the wall or a dramatic chandelier over a dining room table. The furniture should then be placed around the focal point to ensure that it’s the centerpiece.

2. Same Style

You may be in love with your home’s interior design, but failing to change it up every few years can cause it to become dull and uninteresting. Add new pillows, paint the walls a different color, and swap out the rugs to make everything exciting and fresh again.

3. Dark Walls

Dark walls can make the room appear dim and smaller in size, making it necessary to use multiple light sources with both uplights and downlights that are used. Removing clutter can also allow the room to feel more open and spacious instead of feeling like a cave.

4. Cold Family Rooms

Family rooms can easily feel cold and unwelcoming due to a few design mistakes that will make it difficult to feel at ease when watching a movie or inviting guests over. Consider rearranging the furniture to ensure that it encourages social interaction.

Photo by Alair Homes West Vancouver / North VancouverLook for kitchen pictures

5. Cold Kitchens

White kitchens may feel light and airy, but they can also feel cold and bland if certain colors aren’t incorporated into the room. Add bright appliances or a colorful bouquet of flowers on the dining room table to add extra warmth.

6. Hanging Art Incorrectly

Avoid hanging the art too high. The art should be at eye level and should be large enough for the wall.

7. Cluttered Shelves

From books to pictures frames, your shelves may be overpacked due to items that you want to have stored or on display. If the shelves need organizing, remove items that haven’t been used for at least a year.

8. Cheap Vignettes

Vignettes are prone to look cheap with the pieces that are on display, making it necessary to start with an anchor piece that will create balance with the other decor items that are left out.

9. Sofas

Your white sofa may be beautiful, but can quickly look dingy due to kids or pets that spend time on the furniture item. Get the upholstery professionally cleaned to remove stains and brighten the color to make it look new again.

10. Too Many Pillows

Many people overindulge in the pillows that are used on their bed or couch, which typically look cluttered. Keep your pillows to a minimum by using two on each end of the sofa or three on a bed.