Electric cars in the mid term future is a given. Tesla got the momentum moving, and now every car manufacturer is launching serious electric vehicles. So what happens when you bring one home and there is no where to plug it in?

Planning a new home or major renovation now means it makes total sense to spend the several hundred dollars and install a charging station in the garage. Doing it after will mean damage to drywall, paint, and even more invasive work depending where the electric panel is relative to your car parking. Or digging a new ditch across your lawn and through the patio if it happens to be out in the detached garage.

And of course, you can go the extra mile (pun, Ha Ha) and consider solar panels, a Tesla roof, and a battery pack. A good example is here on the Tesla website. Yes, it rains a lot and snows in Vancouver area, and our electricity is not that expensive on a global comparison scale, so be informed and talk with several specialists so you have the right information to make the right decision.