Keeping an organized closet is something everyone wishes they could do. However, between work, social events and family time, your wardrobe is bound to look disorganized by the end of the week. Organizing expert Marie Kondo is well known for her tidying and organizing skills. The Marie Kondo closet organizing process popularly referred to the KonMari method. It is therefore essential to include features that are suitable for the KonMari method while building a custom home.
Hanging Storage
Hanging storage is excellent for dresses, coats, jackets and easy to wrinkle clothes. You can have adjustable rods fitted in the closet. If you have a lot of clothing to hang, you can opt for a double rod closet. The KonMari method recommends that clothes should be arranged the longest at the left and shortest on the right.
Drawers and Dividers
Having plenty of drawers will make it easier to organize different items in the closet. The drawers should be of different sizes. Dividers come in handy for with organizing small things like makeup, socks, ties, scarves, handkerchiefs or even accessories. Drawer dividers partition your drawer in a hustle free manner. Choose soft close drawers since they don’t make noise.
Adjustable Shelves
Shelves are vital in organizing a closet. They are easy to access and choose a clothing item. The shelves should be easy to clean and durable. Adjustable shelves are diverse since they cater to your changing needs. Shoe shelves should be slightly slanting.
Hooks are ideal for hanging ties, scarves, handbags or even gym bags. These convenient additions save tons of space. Find quality hooks while doing a home renovation that won’t rust or fall off after a long time. Ensure that the hooks are in a place that is easy to access and the right height.
Baskets can have so many uses for storage purposes. They can be for laundry, organizing drawers, or organizing knick-knacks like small exercise equipment and makeup containers. There are many designs for baskets that will automatically improve the look of your home.
Space for Complete Outfits
Having a combination of clothes ready is convenient and time-saving. Most traditional closets lack space for outfits which can bring ease to your morning routine.
If you do not have a lot of space, you can utilize storage containers and keep them under the bed. For the KonMari method to be effective, you need to get rid of items you do not use. It is easier to organize a closet with a few valuable items after decluttering.
Bottom Line
To get the perfect custom closet during renovations, you have to sit down with your designers and discuss your closet requirements. The storage should have a majority of the features named above so that you can sort items using the KonMari method. Opt for sliding closet doors over standards doors to conserve space. You can also choose not to have doors on your closet at all. Whatever you decide, make your preferences clear to your designer before starting the home renovation project.
Building a custom home has its perks including having a custom closet. Making the KonMari method part of your regular cleaning will assist you in maintaining a neat closet at all times. Keep practicing Marie Kondo’s tidying and organizing tips and your closet will thank you for it.