The process of selecting a home is fertile ground for second-guessing. Did you choose the right home, neighborhood, or city? When you choose Orillia, Ontario, you need never doubt the wisdom of your decision. This vibrant, forward-looking city embraces all the best virtues of 21st century living without turning its back on its rich history. The city and its citizens strive to promote sustainable living in the Sunshine City.

Sustainable Growth

Orillia has a remarkably stable population, which means the city council can concentrate on delivering municipal services efficiently without fear of unrestrained growth. In the past decade the total population has ebbed and grown by fewer than 2,000 people. Providing high quality services to Orillians and visitors, the city has launched and finished many initiatives in recent years:


Environmentally Sustainable Living

Orillia’s Public Library achieved certification for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) from the Canada Green Building Council. This reflects not just the library’s dedication to environmental awareness, but the city’s as a whole.

The City provides not only Blue Box recycling (for paper, cardboard, foam, all plastics, metal and glass), but also Green Bin recycling for compostable materials (food scraps, plant matter and dryer lint).

The city is working hard to reduce water pollution and waste, prevent idling engines that pollute the air, and add trees along city boulevards.

A Bright Future

Sustaining the careful growth and enjoyment of Orillia for current and future Orillians means taking pride in the accomplishments, but also planning for the future. Projects in the works for Orillia include:

By any measure, the citizens of Orillia enjoy a rich and vibrant life. Committed to sustainable living, dedicated to improving the quality of life for all its residents, Orillia is a city as comfortable in the 21st century as it is proud of its 19th century roots.