Whether you are renovating your existing kitchen or you are starting fresh with a whole new build and design, we have put together a list of some kitchen “hacks” we think everyone needs in their life. These simple yet effective ideas could really make a huge difference in your relationship between you and your kitchen.
Measurements inside the cabinet door
Let’s start things off with something you may even remember from Grandma’s kitchen! Yes, that’s right a list of cooking measurements inside the door of your kitchen cabinet. This is a very simple thing to do and you can get as creative as you want with it, you could paint the inside of your cabinet doors with blackboard paint and write them in or you could simply write them out nicely on cardstock. You could also include those tricky baking conversions that you can never remember in the moment or can’t find them when you need them. This may seem simple but this little “hack” can really be helpful while working in the kitchen.
Garbage bags on a role
Another simple hack, yet it makes life a whole lot easier, is to put your garbage bags and recycle bags on dowels so you can easily tear them off when needed. This also allows you to throw away the ugly box they come in to help you achieve the consistency of the look you are going for in your kitchen.
Baking sheet drawer
With this hack you will have to work it into your kitchen design when you’re choosing your cabinets. We love the idea of using every inch of your kitchen to its full potential, and a great way to do this is to simply add in a skinny drawer that can be either vertical or horizontal for all your cookie sheets. This also frees up space in your bigger cabinets for your larger items and it means you don’t have to pile things on top of your cookie sheets.
Movable kitchen surfaces
And lastly, movable or flexible kitchen surfaces. Not having enough counter space seems to be a universal problem in many kitchens especially on those occasions when you’re having to prepare a large meal. A simple way to help solve this problem is to have extra preparation surfaces you can pull out when needed. This could mean when designing your kitchen you add in some “extendable cutting boards” under your counter, or buying a “floating island” that you can pull out and move around your kitchen to where you need it most!
Try choosing even just one of these “Kitchen Hacks” and see how it affects your relationship with your kitchen! And if you want to work some of these ideas into your new kitchen design, be sure to talk with our team of designers and builders and let’s make your kitchen your favourite room in your home!