It would be wise for any homeowner to consider what turf has to offer. Truth be told, it is easy to turn a blind eye to all the great things that grass plants do. From increasing the value of your custom built home to temperature regulation, turfgrass comes with so many advantages that cannot be swept under the carpet. Keep reading to learn a tad more as to why grass is such a big deal!
Environmentally Friendly
Global warming is wreaking havoc in the 21st century and any intervention that helps mitigate this problem is a step in the right direction. You will be glad to know that this is what turfgrass does best by absorbing carbon dioxide. You see, growing and living plants release oxygen into the atmosphere through a process known as photosynthesis. Research shows that a healthy lawn measuring 2,500 square feet releases enough oxygen to keep 4 people breathing for a whole year.
Microorganism Utopia
The grass and topsoil are a microorganism haven where gazillions of essential organisms call home. These microorganisms play an important role when it comes to the breaking down and recycling of inorganic and organic elements. What is more, microorganisms help in the natural decomposing of law clippings, providing essential nutrients plus other benefits. In the long run, microorganisms help in improving soil quality.
Aquifer Recharger
The average size of an average high school track or football field is 2 acres. More than 2 million rainwater gallons will fall on the field were it to rain 40 inches a year. As you have probably guessed, the water percolating through the soil gets sieved, and the end result is way much cleaner water. Thanks to the filtration process, the water becomes clean by the time it reaches underground aquifers making it suitable for human consumption. Turfgrass for your lawn means less run-off water that can effect the aquifers below.
Cooler Surface
As compared to cement, artificial turf, asphalt and bare dirt, grass offers a much cooler playing surface. Instead of sunlight warming the dirt among other surfaces, the grass blades intercept the sun’s rays to use for photosynthesis, a process where plants use solar energy to synthesize simple sugars. On the same vein, the water evaporation from the plants helps in cooling the surrounding air in your custom built home. What better environment to relax in during those lazy afternoons, right?
Soil Erosion Control
Wind and water are the culprits behind soil erosion, but the good news is that turfgrass can help keep this at bay. Thanks to an extensive root system, turfgrass is able to lock soil in place and shield it from losses caused by water and wind. With majority of a grass plant’s weight (up to 90%) being in its erosion-controlling roots, it’s easy to understand why turf is at the forefront in terms of preventing soil erosion. It therefore comes as no surprise that non-grass, natural areas suffer 600 times more water erosion than natural lawns.
Better Appearance and Lesser Health Risks
When compared to other surfaces, grass will in most cases take the crown when it comes to visual appeal. The smell is yet another noteworthy aspect that leaves people craving for more. It is this visual appeal that will help take the value of your custom built home to a whole new level.
Turf offers a soft landing that helps minimize chances of injury. Research also shows that natural turf is free of health risks with proper fertilizer and pesticide application.
Wrapping up
Turf is without a doubt a great way to complement your home. With all the above benefits, there is no reason why you shouldn’t have it in your home.