Air, earth, fire and water, the classical elements, may no longer explain all matter around us, but these four substances still hold sway over our lives. As stewards of the planet, we protect our air, water and earth, and we harness fire to provide energy. Residents of London, Ontario are fortunate to live in a community that values the preservation and protection of our natural world.

Though London has occasional poor air quality, the smog that troubles our city is no different than the air pollution throughout southern Ontario. Each resident has a role to play in fighting air pollution, since London does not have a single point source of smog, such as a major factory. London’s smog comes from vehicles, lawn mowers, and demands on gas- and coal-fired power plants.
When Londoners reduce their electrical consumption, keep their cars and trucks running efficiently, idle vehicles less, and move away from products using high volatile organic compounds (VOCs), our air will become cleaner.
From 2009 to 2014, London’s ozone limits have only been exceeded an average of five hours per year, showing great strides in improving the air quality.
The Trees and Forests of London
Our lovely trees are protected by two specific by-laws:
- Boulevard Tree Protection—No City of London trees can be removed, trimmed or damaged
- Tree Conservation—Trees in designated Open Space and Environmental Review areas, even on private property, are protected from removal, trimming or damage
Londoners are justifiably proud of the Urban Forest Strategy adopted to guide the city through tree planting and care for the next 20 years. The benefits of trees, especially in cities seeking to live green, are many:
- Trees help clean the air
- Trees provide oxygen
- Trees add beauty to city boulevards and streets
- Trees provide welcome homes for small city dwelling animals
- Trees help cool London in summer
Energy Use
In addition to using electric and hybrid vehicles for official city business, London offers free electric vehicle recharging stations to encourage green living and driving. We Londoners are asked to follow the Community Energy Action Plan, setting out a few key ideas, such as:
- Reduce waste
- Use renewable energy
- Make use of free heat and free light
- Build on local strengths
When homeowners switch out inefficient incandescent bulbs for long-lasting, energy-efficient LEDs, and bike or take mass transit rather than the family car, all Londoners benefit.
London’s Rivers and Creeks
London’s Thames River has met or exceeded 11 of 16 Ministry of Environment criteria for surface water quality. The City strives to educate Londoners about their role in keeping the Thames clean, by reducing fertilizer use and avoiding pouring chemicals down storm drains.
Additionally, the City monitors microscopic flora living in the creek beds of London’s creeks:
- Dingman
- Dodd
- Kettle
- Medway
- Mud
- Oxbow
- Pottersburg
- Sharon
- Stoney
- Waubuno
By practicing “green living” strategies in every home, Londoners will see greater biodiversity and thriving animal life, as well as better water, in all London’s creeks.
Climate Change
Reducing greenhouse gases by using energy wisely helps not just Londoners, but all the peoples of the world. Locally, we risk more frequent Thames River floods, increased snow squalls, and warmer summers. By embracing green living practices, we can help reduce the pace of climate change.
Living green in London, Ontario means rethinking our traditional views of air, earth, fire and water. The City itself is doing much to help us all live green and live well. We have a responsibility to each other, and to our children’s children, to work together as a community to leave London a better city than we found it.