We believe art doesn’t only live in a gallery. It also lives in our communities.

A Home is a Masterpiece

When we look at a house; we see a masterpiece. Many artists come together to create these masterpieces – from architectural designers to interior designers to framers to finishers. Each person who works on a home is a skilled crafter or creator, and we think of all these people as artists.

We also know that art is subjective. When you look at a piece of art in a gallery, you analyze it and you decide if you like that piece of art or not. Even the most popular works of art from the Mona Lisa to the statue of David to the Sistine Chapel have their friends and foes. However, these pieces of art are still the most valuable, talked about and coveted pieces of art in human history.

The same goes for a home – especially a custom home. It is a unique piece of art that is created by numerous artists from the imagination of its homeowner. Whether the homeowner prefers a modern or contemporary home, or a traditional craftsman style home, or perhaps a mountain-like lodge home; each homeowner’s masterpiece will be reflective of their preferences in style and functionality.

Works of Art in Edmonton

Whether it’s an infill home going into a mature neighbourhood, or the total transformation of an older home through a major renovation, there are works of art being built in our Edmonton communities. And similar to the Mona Lisa, statue of David or Sistine Chapel; these homes are bringing great value to the communities where they are being “showcased”.

The Value Add of Home Improvements

The homes bring value to maturing neighbourhoods by invigorating the communities, attracting new and younger families to the communities and supporting the City of Edmonton’s long-term strategy to create density in neighbourhoods closer to the core.

In addition, replacing or updating older homes helps to increase adjacent property values, which ultimately increases the community appeal of that particular neighbourhood.

A Showcase of Artists

In 2018, we commissioned 12 local artists to help us highlight several of the unique homes that we are currently building in the Greater Edmonton Area. Each artist was provided a rendering of the home completed by the architectural designer for that particular project. Each artist was free to showcase the project however he or she wanted in his or her own personal style. The result was 12 completely unique pieces that we showcased through a one-day exhibit at the Art Gallery of Alberta.

Check out the highlights from the #BuildingARTyeg event.

We also recently sponsored the incredible Strathearn ArtWalk and brought these pieces of art to showcase the amazing work of these local artists. We may not be able to bring our homes to these events, but we are so happy we can bring these unique renderings of our homes to these amazing venues and into the communities where we are building or renovating these homes.

Edmonton artist, Paola Cantal with her “Four Seasons” watercolour of an Alair Homes infill project in Laurier Heights.


We are also not the only ones building art in Edmonton. There are many other home builders, renovators and developers who are building amazing pieces of art in our Edmonton communities.

Our hope is that as people drive through these communities, and see all of these renovated homes or new infill homes, people will look at them differently. Our hope is that more people will view these homes for what they are – unique masterpieces that beautify, transform and add value to our communities.

If you see a home that you feel is a unique work of art, snap a photo and share on social media with the hashtag #BuildingARTyeg.

Thank you to all the artists who help us create our masterpieces.