Does spring fever have your hands itching for things to do? The number of DIY projects, and arts and crafts ideas are limitless and the internet is brimming with ways to help get you started. These 15 creative and crafty spring projects will have you enjoying the warmer weather and making the most of longer days. They will also leave you with many new decorative pieces for in and around the home.

Paint the Walls

Take advantage of the open windows and paint the walls, an accent wall, or stencil a border. A fresh coat of the same color will give your room a facelift. Or go for a makeover with an accent color. If you’re curious about stenciling, check out this video for easy-to-use tips.

Paint the Furniture

If you need a less intensive painting project, tackle the furniture instead. A little goes a long way. Choose bright colors like yellow, red, orange, and green to create a makeover-feel with less work.

Make Your Own Picture Frame

Create a picture frame fit for dryads and fairies with an old frame and twigs from the yard (or surrounding woods, if you have them). This is a fun task to incorporate the children in. Spend an hour or two to gather bundles of sticks and twigs. Then use Elmer’s glue to attach them to your frame. Sticking on a pinecone will add a nice touch of additional nature.

Paint Pine Cones

This adds a flash of color for either indoor (or outdoor) decoration

Create Herb Pots

Recycle old pasta sauce jars and aluminum cans into herb pots. Mount them over the sink in the kitchen

Build a bird feeder

These can be large and intricate or extremely simple. Ask a professional home designer, like for the best placement in the yard.

Use Your Old Crib

Are you unsure what to do with an old crib? Turn it into a loveseat for the patio or porch? If you’re feeling very crafty, use rope, carabiners, and ceiling hooks to turn the crib into a swinging porch chair.

Create a Compost

Begin healthy, green living practices and create a compost. This compost can be used to start your own garden as well.

String up Lights

Who says that decorative lights are only for Christmas? Create a romantic ambiance suitable for picnics and BBQs alike by stringing up fairy lights outside

Fix Up an Old Wood Fence

Did the winter ruin on old wood fence? Convert a piece of it into a mount for accent lights. Do this by attaching Mason jars with LED lights sporadically to the wood.

Create Decorations with Yarn

Create decorative yarn balls to serve as table center pieces and accent lights

Use Wood Storage Bins

While spring cleaning, swap plastic storage bins with wood alternatives. Paint each container a different hue for a dash of color

Start an herb garden in the kitchen

You could even use your compost and herb pots to do this

Create Incense Holders

Drill small holes into old wine bottles and turn them into incense holders. Secure a stick of incense to a key ring before dropping it into the bottle. The key ring will keep the stick from touching the bottom of the bottle, and the ashes will fall inside so you don’t risk a mess on your counters.

Turn old pots into lanterns

This will create some great mood lighting for any occasion.