A kitchen, being one of the busiest rooms in a house, can seem crowded. With the number of items you have to stack in there, you may have no place left. While sticking to white colors can work to create an illusion of space, there are other ways to make your kitchen look spacious. Below are tips you can try to transform your kitchen.
Eliminate Clutter
A great organization idea is to have as much free space on your counter as possible. Find alternative storage by making use of lower cabinets for items you rarely use. Additionally, go for touch-sensitive latches which can bring out a more balanced tone in your kitchen.
Choose Compact Appliances
Most of the kitchen space is taken up by appliances such as dishwashers and refrigerators. You can get smaller versions of the same to create more space. For example, if you have a 24-inch dishwasher, you can opt for an 18-inch one to free up at least 6-inches. If you have a refrigerator that stays half empty most of the time, you can get a compact one that would fit just what you need. The space can suit a portable cabinet or a stack of packaging baskets for extra storage.
Have Mirrors at Your Back splash
Mirrors can make a tiny area look big. The reflection creates an illusion of a more extensive room without having to eliminate anything. A back splash mirror can do the same trick in your kitchen. Although it may not necessarily free up space, it can make the room appear bigger and stylish.
Go For Open Shelves
For a small kitchen, getting rid of upper storage cabinets may not be the solution. Having a few open shelves for your day-to-day kitchen items can create a more open feel. A simple trick would be to remove the upper cabinet doors which you can replace later when necessary.
Replace Cabinet Doors with Glass
Another way to create an illusion of a spacious and organized kitchen would be to use glass doors on a few cabinets. You can choose to remodel the center ones for a more balanced look. This improvement not only adds a great design but also makes the room airy and looks less congested.
Remodel the Back splash
To make your kitchen look spacious, go for a shorter back splash to leave more open space from the tile level. Alternatively, you can add tiles all the way up to the ceiling to prevent a broken surface. Alair Homes Burlington contractors can help you with the remodel project. Either way, you should keep the colors toned up to match the rest of the kitchen.
Improve the Lighting
You can add a few lighting features on the walls or go for a more defined type of lighting. This could be a chandelier on your kitchen island which would brighten up space. Alternatively, you can install lights under your upper cabinets to have brighter counter tops. You can go a step further to add lighting to glass cabinets for a glossy feel.
Whether you have a tiny kitchen or vast space around, the importance of organization cannot be stressed enough. A few touch-ups on the counter tops, cabinets, and appliances can brighten up a dull area. More to this, proper lighting and easy access can make the space warm and lively.