Nothing says spring, like opening up your windows and airing out your home after the long cold months of stagnant air. That clean smell of fresh spring air, can really freshen up a home and evoke the feeling of spring.
Let it shine
Spring is the perfect time to wash all those dingy windows and screens that have been splattered with snow and sleet throughout the winter. Let it shine, Let it shine, Let it shine!
Clean house
Its that time of year, to get out the duster and clean soapy water to dust and wipe all lights and fans off that have built up dust over the winter season. Once your windows are open, it’s a good time to turn on those fans to circulate the clean air.
Fresh coat
Painting a room a fresh coat of paint can really clean up walls that have been dinged and marked throughout the winter months. Painting a room in a fresh new colour is always a great way to really brighten up and impact a room.
Clean out your closets
Spring is a good time to go through all items in your closet and get rid of things you no longer wear or use. Pack it up and donate!
Before you store your winter coats and boots, first go through and purge items you no longer wear and donate. Place all items in proper plastic bins with lids to store away.
Use foliage and flowers
Use big statement leaves in fun vases or place a fresh bouquet of flowers to freshen up a room.
Add colour
Adding colour in your home such as colourful vases, books and interesting colourful accessories will always brighten up a room.
Rug swap
Spring is always a good excuse to swap out heavy wool rugs for lighter weight flat weaved rugs, like cotton durries, jute and sisals.
Switch it up
Swap out your cozy throws and toss cushions like velvets and faux furs, for lighter fabrics and brighter pastel colours.
Freshen up your bed
Swap out your flannel sheets for crisp cotton and linens. There is nothing more inviting, then the fresh smell and feel of just- laundered crisp sheets in pretty patterns and pastel colours that can really refresh your room.