For people to understand their neighborhood better, Alair Homes uses a map visualization tool, Wellbeing Toronto. This tool helps you in the evaluation of the well-being of communities, focusing on factors such as, housing, crime, and transportation. You must select and combine several data sets that indicate the wellness of a neighborhood, and the results appear instantly on maps, tables, and graphs that are easy to read. Our tools help the decision makers in need of supportive data for community development policies and plans, businesses in need of a better understanding of their target customers to better plan the company approaches. Also, the residents who would like to know more about their neighborhoods can get pertinent data about employment opportunities, schools, or recreational activities.

Well-being Toronto

Wellbeing Toronto’s map visualization tool promotes informed decision making, through the use of top notch visualization mapping tools in providing an interactive, factual, and meaningful information base to the users. It is also a public information participation tool that enables the creation of forums to discuss neighborhood issues and sharing of information, all of which enhance efficiency and transparency.

Differences between Wellbeing Toronto and other indicator initiatives

Wellbeing Toronto’s map visualization tool empowers residents in the definition of their neighborhoods, based on their criteria, unlike other indicator initiatives that classify areas, especially those considered risky. Many indicator initiatives are developed to measure a specific issue and are therefore specially chosen to measure that particular point. The Wellbeing Toronto indicator initiative provides indicators within a framework, where you can select, combine, and weigh indicators to measure a variety of issues and not just one particular issue, and also allows the users to place importance on any data, and not just the picking and mapping of indicators. It is a public information participation tool as well as a data visualization tool that makes it possible for a better and more comprehensive understanding of neighborhoods, through the centralization of all the data collected from the residents and government departments.

How it Works

Our indicator initiative is evidence based and measures the well-being of areas continually as opposed to measuring the well-being of neighborhoods only at a particular point in time, as other indicator initiatives. The Wellbeing Toronto indicator initiative helps avoid data duplication, by encouraging the sharing of information among residents, government divisions and none governmental organizations. Maximizing efficiency and the knowledge of any given community’s needs, this also promotes the assurance of optimum product and service levels for the members of the community, especially in today’s environment of fiscal constraints.

How you can Benefit

Wellbeing Toronto’s map visualization tool and indicator initiative aim to enhance our users’ quality of life, by creating safer, healthier, and stronger residential neighborhoods through a focus on improving the social, economic and physical infrastructures. Availability and sharing of meaningful information by the Wellbeing Toronto indicator initiative also keeps our users updated about the social, economic, environmental and cultural changes happening in communities and neighborhoods. Be sure to get real time information about the myriad of recreational parks in your area, and compare the vast array of family entertainment facilities that suit your needs.