Have you ever wondered why you don’t feel at home even though it is your house? It is because your home and everything in your home is not in sync with the environment. Feng Shui is a Chinese philosophical system that focuses on harmonizing the entire surrounding environment. It is used to spiritually orient buildings so that they don’t harbor any negative energy. Here are 5 simple ways to Feng Shui your apartment the right way.

Remove all clutter

If there are things in your house that you don’t like or love, remove them as soon as possible. It will take long to clean up all the clutter in your house, but it will lighten your load. Also, a cluttered home will affect your mood as you won’t be happy looking at them.

Allow for light & air flow

One of the crucial elements to maintaining positive Feng Shui energy in your house is to have a good amount of light and air circulation. Keep your windows open as long as possible so that as much natural light and fresh air enters your home.

Have plants on top of the cabinets

When there is no space above the kitchen cabinets, it is considered to be good Feng Shui. If there is space on top of the cabinet, it allows the accumulation of stagnant energy and dust. By placing plants in that space, you will be able to transform your kitchen and bring in good energy.

Close your bathroom door

In Feng Shui, water is considered as wealth. You don’t want your wealth going down the drain as water goes out of the bathroom. You can reduce this effect by closing your bathroom doors and by keeping your toilet seat cover down.

Fix your squeaky doors

A squeaky door sounds like someone is crying which will affect your well-being and your mood. Oil all the hinges so that you can create positive energy around your house.