Starting a home renovation project might seem overwhelming at first. But, it doesn’t have to be. The best thing you can do is make a solid plan before moving forward. Let’s review some of the things you need to take into consideration while making the plan.

Decide Where You Will Live

You first need to decide if you are going to stay in the house while the work is being performed. This will impact the contractor’s approach, methodology, and schedule.

If the work is limited to one area of the house, then you might be able to stay put. Just know that you will be dealing with dust, a messy site, dumpsters, noise, and strangers in your space 5 or 6 days a week.

If the home renovation is a total makeover, you will have to consider renting another place, or moving in with other family members temporarily. You will also need to move your belongings into storage, even if it is into onsite pods. All of this needs to be budgeted for.

Get Help from Local Professionals

Once you have decided what the level of work is that you want to accomplish, and have made a plan about where to live, it is time to sit down with either an architect or a design/build company. A design professional can guide you through the options based on your budget. Be prepared for some sage advice that may result in a change of your initial goals and concepts.

You can either hire a designer to prepare all of the drawings and specifications, or you can pay for guided consultation. In any case, it is recommended that you get some help.

Once the design is finalized, work with a knowledgeable, licensed General Contracting company, like Alair Homes Huntsville, to lock down the project cost and schedule. Be sure to have a solid, and mutually agreed upon, contract in place before you move ahead.

The last thing you want is expensive change orders later. So, be sure that you have a contingency budget in place just in case.

Stay Actively Involved

Now that you are ready to go, be an active partner with your design and construction team. Start with an initial site meeting to make sure everyone is on the same page and getting along. Check to see that all permits are in place and everyone has the proper insurance certificates. Make sure all utility lines have been properly located and identified. Get everyone’s contact information. A spade shouldn’t touch the ground until all of that is done.

Ask your team to schedule a weekly meeting, even if you have to do it via video conference. This will keep everyone informed and motivated.

Start the Project

When you start your home renovation project, try to remain open-minded and as relaxed as possible. This is the stressful part of the process. Demolition and site work are just messy and can feel invasive. Things might show up that you and your team hadn’t anticipated, but don’t panic. The professionals at Alair Homes Huntsville are trained to deal with unexpected conditions and potential setbacks.

As you get closer to the completion of the work, things will start to look and feel amazing. Just remain mindful that you will get to that point where your vision is realized. Try to enjoy the process as much as possible.