Having contract work done around your Huntsville home can be an exciting time of change. It can also be a bit of a transitional time in which communication between the customer and the contractor are paramount. In that same spirit of open communication, there are also certain things you will definitely want to be clear of before the project gets started. To help, here are 10 things you should always ask your contractor beforehand.

1. What will our schedule be?

It will be important to know your project’s schedule and contractor’s schedule for its fulfillment. When will it start, end, and be active in-between. Knowing this helps you to plan and stay realistic in time expectations.

2. Who will be here working?

You will want to know who will be in your home or business working. What will the hierarchy system look like? How many people will be inside at once as well?

3. How will my property be protected?

What will happen with valuable belongings in work areas? Find out if items need to be moved or covered. Also find out who is responsible for keys, entry, and the final exit and lock-up of the day.

4. How will we communicate?

Primary and secondary contacts should be exchanged at this point. The contractor may need to reach you at any time during work and you the same for them. A routine schedule for communication should also be set.

5. What are the most sensitive areas of my project?

Ask your contractor which part of the project will be the most challenging. Talking about this now can cover worst-case scenarios and give everyone a foundation for preparedness. Change orders may also end up being an anticipated result here.

6. How do change orders work?

Change orders are orders that are issued to change an element of the project. This could involve design, measurements, spatial relations, materials, codes, and any number of other concerns. The project change order provides an alternative route to avoid these problems.

7. How are you reached after hours?

Again, you can never be too safe when it comes to sharing all contact information here. Aside from business-hours times, how can the contractor be reached after hours? Should something important be discovered, you may need this ability.

8. When should I be available?

The contractor will need to meet with you and review progress routinely. Your own schedule must then be conducive to this needed availability. Consult with your contractor and be sure you are there when you are needed as well.

9. What documents will I receive at completion?

When your project is complete, there should be an array of documents issued to you. These will likely include warranties, parts info, new utility schematics, appliance instructions, and more. Verify the issuing of these and prepare your own place for their safe, future storage.

10. How will my family or employees operate during the project?

Your project will probably shutdown certain, important areas of your home or business. Your contractor needs to know which daily functions must continue and which can be altered. Get together and come up with a plan for life or business continuity during the job.

There is a lot to consider before getting that project started. These 10 areas are especially crucial to address among all things. Get together with your Huntsville contractor, make a plan, and let the project begin.